I take a team approach in my care working with vets, owners and Farriers directly. I strive to educate owners and listen to their experience. The goal being keeping the horse in as good as shape as possible to allow use as intended.

I have been involved in horse care since I’ve been about 12 years old. Through the years I have worked in the care, cleaning, and maintenance of a variety of horses and type of use. I also am well versed in horse behavior. Being involved with horse rescue and general training and workouts. I have trained extensively in the care of leg, feet and hooves completing Mission farrier school and working in the field. I am often able to identify issues before they become a problem and am able to quickly identify illness or other issues. I work with owners promptly advising owners of possible solutions or need for higher levels of care.

Previous barns I have worked at.

  • Jen and Don’s Granite falls WA

    This barn had anywhere from 18-20 horses boarded there at any given time including the owners horses. I worked there for over 4 years. I turned horses out in the morning, cleaning all of their stalls and preparing feed for the day.

  • Bedlam Farms Clearview WA:

    There where 23-25 horses boarded at this farm during the one year I worked at this farm. Most of the horses had health issues and special needs that required specialized care and special attention. My responsibilities where turning horses out, cleaning stalls, giving horses medications at a set time and preparing grain and hay by weight and adding very specific medications and supplements, wrapping horses legs, doing Vet assists, fixing issues with fencing, watching horses for any signs of illness and pain as well as bringing horses in for the night.

  • Strong Tower horse rescue: (Volunteer)

    There where 37 horses and counting at this stable that I worked for. Here I was responsible for turning out horses in the morning feeding, watering them, cleaning their stalls, bringing them inside at night, administering medications, exercising horses, fixing things that where broken, organizing the feed room and updating feed charts, planning turnout arrangements for horses and many other tasks.